Wednesday, September 29, 2010

red chile in the sun

Raw material of awesome spice. Be ready for packing in no time.

First batch of red chile done

JD, Crescencio and Jd

Juvenile Horny Toad

Found him in a sandy area, he was mostly beige and started to change color as I held him.

Crescencio, JD and Cheno setting the red chile out to dry

First red chile to get set out to dry this season.

close up of immature goathead thorns

One plant probably will create hundreds of individual thorns which are actually seed pods. They stick into pretty much everything (tires, shoes, feet, dogs, cats...) and get carried everywhere.

Typical goat head thorn plant spread.

Put a quarter down to show scale. This is a young plant. not big with thorns still green.

goathead thorn plant

Goat head thorns will cover as much are as you let them. Which means they are pretty much everywhere.